What's in your Halloween basket?
Weight Watchers®’ PointsPlus® Values for Halloween Candy

Almond Joy, snack size = 2 PPV
Baby Ruth bar, fun size, 1 bar = 2 PPV, 2 bars = 5 PPV
Bit-O-Honey, 1 piece = 1 PPV, 6 pieces = 4 PPV
Butterfinger, fun size = 3 PPV
Candy Apple, 5 ounce = 5 PPV

Candy corn, 20 pieces = 4 PPV
Candy Corn, Brach’s Big Bag, 26 pieces = 4 PPV
Caramel Apple = 10 PPV
Charms Blow Pop, 1 pop = 2 PPV
Dots, fun size = 2 PPV
Dove Milk Chocolate, 1 piece = 1 PPV, 5 pieces = 6 PPV
Gummi Bears, 14 pieces = 3 PPV
Heath, miniatures, 6 pieces = 7 PPV
Hershey’s milk chocolate bar, snack size = 6 PPV
Hershey’s Nuggets, Milk Chocolate, 4 pieces = 6 PPV
Hershey’s miniatures, any flavor, 5 pieces = 6 PPV
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, 1 oz = 3 PPV
Jolly Rancher Hard Candy, 3 pieces = 2 PPV
Jolly Rancher gummies, 9 pieces = 3 PPV
Junior Mints, 16 pieces = 5 PPV, snack size box = 2 PPV
Kit-Kat, snack size, three 2-piece bars = 6 PPV
Kit-Kat, minies, 5 pieces = 6 PPV
Lemonheads, fun-size, 1 pouch = 1 PPV
Life Savors Mints, Winter O Green, 4-6 pieces = 2 PPV
M&Ms milk chocolate, fun size, 1 package = 2 PPV

M&Ms peanut, fun size, 1 package = 3 PPV
Mounds, fun size = 3 PPV
Nerds, 1 box = 1 PPV
Nestle Crunch, fun size = 2 PPV
Oh Henry!, miniature = 2 PPV

Pay Day, fun size = 3 PPV
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, 2 = 6 PPV
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, fun size = 3 PPV
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, miniatures 5 pieces = 6 PPV
Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins, snack size 2 pieces = 5 PPV
Reese’s Pieces, 51 pieces (40 g bag) = 5 PPV
Skittles, original fruit, fun size = 2 PPV
Snickers, fun size, 1 bar = 2 PPV, 2 bars = 5 PPV
Take 5, fun size = 6 PPV

Tootsie Roll midgees, 6 pieces = 4 PPV
Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pops, 1 regular = 1 PPV
Twix, fun size = 2 PPV
Twizzlers, Cherry Bites, 17 pieces = 4 PPV
Twizzlers Twists, fun size = 4 PPV
Whoppers, fun size = 2 PPV
York Peppermint Patty, fun size = 1 PPV, snack size = 2 PPV
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