What’s a Serving of Vegetables?
1 SERVING = 1/2 CUP = ??? 1 Serving (unless otherwise noted) is… Acorn squash — 1/2 acorn squash is 1.5 servings and is ~3/4 c Bell pepper —

What’s a Serving of Fruit?
I’m still a 5-a-day type person, so what is a serving of fruit? I know a serving is 1/2 cup but since I don’t carry a measuring cup around w

What's in your day? Part 3
The tools will help you transition from doing what you're doing now to accomplishing what you want?

What's in your day? Part 2
I bet, if you look at where you're spending your time, you'd find a few things you could either let go of or decrease the amount of

What's in your day? Part 1
Before we clear your schedule of any activities that are sucking your time away, let's start with what's not there.
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